Momming Slow.

How did I get to be the way that I am? Is it my generation, or this fast paced world that we live in? If we aren’t making the most noise does anyone even hear us?

I am a doer, a go getter and a mover. My brain never stops thinking and processing and moving. Until the last year I never really noticed how much I just went… without thinking. I constantly feel rushed and that if I am not moving then I must be wasting time. I have been doing so much soul searching since I turned 30. Now 32 I have never felt more of a pull to slow down. To watch more, listen more, and be still.

I don’t think my crave for adventure and new things will ever go away, that’s part of who I am. But, I can do it slower. Just like my parenting.

This last winter has felt so long here in Minnesota. I happened to be driving by my favorite Green House, Queen Beez, one afternoon and decided to swing in with Georgia and Bowdy to feel some warmth and see green living plants! Crystal, the owner is a sweetheart and let us hang out in the warm green house with her. I was in no rush to get back home to what can most days feel so full of mundane chores. So we stayed. Crystal let Georgia help her fill seed starters with dirt while Bowdy played with a truck and chased around the Green House puppy.

We spent an hour or so chatting and playing and I was happy. Happy just to watch and listen and feel the dirt on my hands. We of course left with a few new plants and happy hearts.

It has been one of my goals to parent slower. To speak with a calmer voice, to not rush them when they are just trying to understand this world they are growing in! Because they are so innocent yet. So in awe of every new thing that they see.  These kids just want to soak it all up (and so do I) so why do I feel the need to rush it all?

Slow was my inspiration for these Green House sessions. To stop and learn to grow. It was such a joy to have Sophia and her beautiful girls Beatrice & Elouise join me for the morning session. We all need a good reminder to slow down and enjoy the moments before they are gone.







Location: Queen Bee’s Lawn & Garden Prior Lake 

Sophia is Wearing: Stone + Willow