I am So Embarrassed!



As I sit here typing this my mouth is still totally numb.

It’s numb from the root canal that I just had to have done…

I had to have the root canal because I haven’t been to the dentist in 7 years!!!! Can you believe that. I bet you can. Because somewhere out there another woman is reading this and thinking the same thing… “I really should get into the dentist”

I haven’t been because I have pushed it off. Because my mouth didn’t hurt and it would cost too much. I also never made the time. Finding time for yourself is hard enough as a mom, but time to actually take care of yourself seems even harder unless it feels urgent. About a year ago I noticed that my tooth felt funny. Turns out a piece had broken off. And then another small piece and another. But still I had no pain. So I actually made an appointment to get it checked out. Had I done the yearly dental checks they would have caught this and taken care of it with a small filling, but now I’m out a whole bunch of money and have a numb mouth. COME ON KRISTA!!!!

On another self-care tip. I have always had bad eyes…. I promise it does not affect my job as a photographer but it sure does effect my driving, reading, writing, watching TV and computer work! So I thought I’d get my eyes checked since night-time driving seems so much worse. And sure enough my eyes have gotten worse since the last check up which was… about 7 years ago. My right eye in fact has gotten 7 times worse.

When I covered my left eye at the appointment to read that handy chart, I could only see the very top letter. A big fat “E” the rest was a complete blur. I actually started crying. That poor eye tech guy didn’t even know what to do with me!

Are you seeing a trend here….

7 years between visits

7 times worse

Our oldest just turned 7

I really like the number 7, but not today.

Today I am so frustrated with myself.

If I am not taking care of myself how can I expect to take care of my family. The ones who need me most. In the past 7 years all I have done is make excuses for why I can’t go to the dentist or eye doctor. Why I can’t do so many things and that’s all they are, excuses.

The definition of excuse is…

  1. :attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); seek to defend or justify.
    For so long I sought to defend my reasoning.
    I don’t have time.
    We don’t have the money.
    Who will watch my kids.
    I don’t need it.
    It’s not a big deal.
    And now look what I have done….

What do you need to do today to stop making excuses?

To take better care of yourself so that you can then turn around and take the best care of those around you? I can’t stress this enough. 7 minutes is too long to wait to make that call. Set up that appointment, get up earlier, start fresh. You owe it to yourself.




Mason & Selin : Ceder Lake Engagement Session

When I went to Florida last March to photograph Steven and Hope’s wedding I never anticipated meeting a new client.

Selin walked into the bridal house and introduced herself right away. I instantly wanting to be her friend. She brings light into every room she walks into. We got to spend most of the wedding day together. She was Hope’s personal attendant! We hugged as I left the wedding and said we would stay in touch!

Soon after she reached out to me about her own engagement!!  I couldn’t be more excited for this couple!! Mason proposed on April fools day at Minnehaha falls. He had gathered all of Selin’s closest friends and family and surprised her!

They wanted their engagement session to be near the water. Their wedding will be at a lake resort this July! I am so thankful for meeting this couple in Florida of all places. They have brought so much joy to my life. I can’t wait to celebrate with them on their wedding day.







